Стекло, окрашенное под бронзу


Painted Glass is created by applying a thin layer of colored ceramic enamel frit to the glass and then fusing it permanently at 1150℃. This coating ensures durability, scratch resistance, and fade resistance for long-term visual appeal. Commonly used in double glazing systems, painted glass is perfect for architects to maintain the aesthetics of commercial façades while hiding unsightly elements. Its lightness reduces structural loads and thermal insulation helps cut air conditioning costs.


Thickness: 3mm to 6mm
Size:2440*1830,3300*2134, etc.
Colors: Clear, Green, Grey, Milk, Red etc.

Описание продукта


External building facades
Interior glass partitions
Art glass

tea paint

Сопутствующие товары

Многослойное стекло
Black paint
green paint
Super white paint
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